While other companies have installed a detachable mechanism in the shield itself, ARAI has stubbornly refused to follow this trend.
Although it is easier, it takes a lot of hang to put on and take off the Shield, and when it is put on correctly. This is the right position!" There are probably two reasons why we are still using this System despite the lack of a tightly defined response that makes us believe that we are still using this System.
One is represented by the R75Shape (or was it? It might have been 65). The "Velcro without protrusions". because it is a priority.
At a quick glance, the SHOEI method looks more slippery, but when you touch it, it is clearWhite that ARAI has fewer bumps.
The second is because Shield's Material and thinness are prioritized.
ARAI's Shield should be made by punching out a flat plate and then curving it into a Shield shape.
The manufacturing process is completely different from that of other companies' Shield, which molds products by injecting resin into a Gold mold that has a finished product shape from the beginning.
All of this is the result of placing the highest priority on safety, and for this reason, even if it is a little difficult to put on and take off, or if the Wind Cutting sound is disadvantageous, it will not stop this Cover.
It may also aim somewhat at the effect of absorbing impact from the thin side of the shock absorber by breaking it.
ARAI, great!
The outer Cover is very sturdy, and after only a few years of use, the Material:Plastic claws will not break or chip.
The... thing... is... there!
These Parts on the inside of the Cover can crack and chip... this is it!
Is the milky-white colored resin degraded by hydrolysis? If ShieldMaintenance is being performed, it will suddenly pop one day! one day!
Worse, these parts are important parts that not only support the outer Cover, but also hold the Shield itself.
Replace the nails immediately, as they often chip from the edges.
They almost never break or chip when new, but I think they start to break after about 5 years of use.
Perhaps the age-related deterioration is intentional (notice that the product is past its useful life).
If it's intentional... ARAI awesome!